1. Calling the Roll. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 2. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 3. Reading and Acting Upon the Minutes of the Following Meetings of City Council: (a) The Regular Meeting Minutes of December 8, 2009; (b) The Public Hearing Meeting Minutes of December 12, 2009; and (c) The Special Meeting Minutes of December 29, 2009. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ RECOGNITION OF YOUTH BY MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL 4. Recognition of Jacob Landa For His Academic and Athletic Achievement. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ PROCLAMATIONS 5. Presentation of an Award From Fire Chief MagazineFor Its Bronze Award For Fire Station 9 (Potomac Yard) Architecture, and From FIERO (Fire Industry Equipment Research Organization) For Fire Station 9 Superior Design. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ OTHER 6. Presentation of the Northern Virginia Comprehensive Gang Assessment 2003 - 2008. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER (three min.) CONSENT CALENDAR (7-15) (Resignations and Uncontested Appointments) 7. Receipt of the Following Resignations From Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees: (a) Alexandria-Caen Sister City Committee