Regular Public Hearing

Wednesday- February 20, 2002
7:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall
301 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

The Board of Architectural Review docket
is subject to change up to the time of the meeting.
Planning and Zoning staff
can provide information on changes.

Staff reports on each item are available
in the Department of Planning and Zoning.

The Board of Architectural Review reserves the right to
vary the order of the meeting, if so announced.

Department of Planning and Zoning
301 King Street, City Hall, Room 2100
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
phone: (703) 746-4666

* * * * *

1. Consideration of the minutes of the public hearing of February 6, 2002.
BOARD ACTION: Approved as submitted, 6-0.


2. CASE BAR2000-270
Request for approval of new residential development at 615 First Street, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: Old Colony Associates
BOARD ACTION: Deferrred for restudy, 6-0.

3. CASE BAR2001-248
Request for approval of a permit to demolish portions of a dwelling at 529 North Columbus Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Katherine & Slade Elkins
BOARD ACTION: Approved by roll call vote, 6-0.

4. CASE BAR2001-249
Request for approval of alterations at 529 North Columbus Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Katherine & Slade Elkins
BOARD ACTION: Approved as submitted, 6-0.

5. CASE BAR2002-009
Request for approval of an awning at 1100 King Street, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: Holly Warner
BOARD ACTION: Deferrred for restudy, 6-0.

6. CASE BAR2002-010
Request for approval of a permit to demolish portions of a building at 1102 King Street, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: Michele Richardson
BOARD ACTION: Approved by roll call vote, 6-0.

7. CASE BAR2002-011
Request for approval of alterations at 1102 King Street, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: Michele Richardson
BOARD ACTION: Approved as submitted, 6-0.

8. CASE BAR2002-012
Request for approval of a permit to demolish portions of a dwelling at 608 Oronoco Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Paul Waldron
BOARD ACTION: Approved by roll call vote, 5-1.

9. CASE BAR2002-013
Request for approval of an addition at 608 Oronoco Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Paul Waldron
BOARD ACTION: Deferrred for restudy, 5-1.



10. CASE BAR2001-244
Request for after-the-fact approval of vinyl windows and shutters at 406 Gibbon Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Norine Bell
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This docket item was deferred by Staff to the public hearing of March 6, 2002.

11. CASE BAR2001-254
Request for after-the-fact approval of vinyl windows at 412 Gibbon Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Beverly Anderson
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This docket item was deferred by Staff to the public hearing of March 6, 2002.

12. CASE BAR2002-014
Request for approval of a permit to demolish portions of a building at 624 North Washington Street, zoned OC Commercial.
APPLICANT: Charles Varipapa
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This docket item was deferred pending receipt of restudy materials.