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[FY00][FY01][FY02][FY03][FY04]FY05[FY06][FY07][All FY]

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Date Group Docket Type/ Subject
12/15/2004Board of Architectural Review - HistoricAction Docket
12/13/2004Community MeetingHunting Point Area Planning Advisory Group Meeting
12/13/2004Community MeetingCommunity Meeting on Society of American Florists' office building project at 1601-1609 Duke Street
12/09/2004Board of Zoning AppealsAction Docket
12/07/2004Planning CommissionAction Docket
12/06/2004Community MeetingKing Street Retail Strategy Advisory Committee Meeting
12/01/2004Board of Architectural Review - HistoricAction Docket
12/01/2004Community MeetingMount Vernon Avenue Plan Community Meeting
11/30/2004Community MeetingHunting Point Area Planning Advisory Group Meeting
11/17/2004Board of Architectural Review - HistoricAction Docket
11/16/2004Community MeetingPlanning Commission Potomac Yard Community Meeting
11/11/2004Board of Zoning AppealsAction Docket
11/10/2004Board of Architectural Review - Parker GrayAction Docket
11/10/2004Community Meeting-- CANCELLED --The Hunting Point Area Planning Advisory Committee
11/10/2004Community MeetingOld Town Civic Association Meeting (Harambee and The Old Club/Linda St. Pierre Projects)
11/08/2004Community MeetingPotomac Yard Design Advisory Committee
11/04/2004Planning CommissionAction Docket
11/03/2004Board of Architectural Review - HistoricAction Docket
10/27/2004Board of Architectural Review - Parker GrayAction Docket
10/27/2004Community MeetingMt. Vernon Avenue Plan Work Group meeting
10/21/2004Community MeetingCommunity meeting to begin the planning process to update the Landmark/Van Dorn Small Area Plan
10/20/2004Board of Architectural Review - HistoricAction Docket
10/18/2004Community MeetingPresentations to Upper King Street Association
10/14/2004Board of Zoning AppealsAction Docket
10/13/2004Community MeetingHunting Point Area Planning Advisory Group
10/06/2004Board of Architectural Review - HistoricAction Docket
10/05/2004Planning CommissionAction Docket

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Department of Planning and Zoning | P.O. Box 178 | Alexandria, VA 22313 | 703.746.4666