1. Calling the Roll. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 2. Public Discussion Period. [No more than 30 Minutes] [This period is restricted to items not listed on the docket.] Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR1 (3) Planning Commission 3. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2007-0115 510 SECOND STREET HOLIDAY INN - COFFEE SHOP Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to operate a restaurant within an existing hotel; zoned CD/Commercial Downtown. Applicant: Carr Hospitality by Hammad Shah. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 6-0 END OF ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 1Items listed under the Action Consent Calendar may be approved by the City Council as a block unless a Member of Council removes an item or a member of the public wishes to speak to the item. Such items will be heard after Docket Item No. 3. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER 4. Public Hearing and Consideration of the Report of the Naming Committee Proposing the Naming of the Open Space at the Corner of Janney's Lane and Quaker Lane in Honor of the Late President Gerald R. Ford. (#12, 1/22/08) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 5. Public Hearing and Consideration on the Alexandria Commission for the Arts Report, Prepared by Lord Cultural Resources, Inc. (#13, 1/22/08) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES (continued) Planning Commission (continued) 6. TEXT AMENDMENT #2007-0006 KING STREET OUTDOOR DINING Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to amend Section 6-800 of the Zoning Ordinance, the King Street Outdoor Dining Overlay Zone. Staff: Department of Planning and Zoning. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 6-0 Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 7. TEXT AMENDMENT #2008-0001 FLOOR AREA TRANSFER IN PRIVATE SCHOOLS Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to amend Article 7 of the Zoning Ordinance by adding Section 7-2300 allowing the transfer of floor area in private schools. Staff: Department of Planning and Zoning PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 6-0 Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 8. MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT #2008-0001 TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN Public Hearing and Consideration of an amendment to the Transportation Chapter of the City's Master Plan. Staff: Department of Transportation and Environmental Services PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Adopted Resolution and Recommend Approval 6-0 Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 9. CITY CHARTER, SECTION 9.06 CASE #2008-0001 1 & 7 EAST DEL RAY Consideration of a proposal by the City of Alexandria to acquire the property at 1 & 7 East Del Ray Avenue, pursuant to the provisions of Section 9.06 of the City Charter. Staff: Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Approved w/amendments 6-0 (THIS ITEM IS NOT SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING BUT IS FOR CITY COUNCIL'S INFORMATION ONLY - NO APPROVAL IS NECESSARY.) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of An Ordinance to Permit the Owner of the Property at 700 South Royal Street to Construct a Brick Garden Wall Which Will Encroach into the Public Right-of-way Along Franklin Street. (#15, 2/12/08) [ROLL-CALL VOTE] Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 11. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of An Ordinance to Permit the Owner of the Property at 923 King Street to Add Brick Veneer to an Existing Wall Which Will Encroach into the Public Right-of-way Along North Patrick Street. (#16, 2/12/08) [ROLL-CALL VOTE] Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 12. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of an Ordinance to Revise the City’s Regulations Concerning Vicious and Dangerous Dogs to Conform to Changes in State Law. (#18, 2/12/08) [ROLL-CALL VOTE] Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES (continued) DEFERRAL/WITHDRAWAL CONSENT CALENDAR (13) Planning Commission (continued) 13. TEXT AMENDMENT #2007-0008 (A) REZONING #2007-0003 (B) DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2006-0005 (C) SPECIAL USE PERMIT (TMP) #2007-0071 (D) 1199 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET HUNTING CREEK PLAZA/HUNTING TERRACE Public Hearing and Consideration of (1) a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to increase height limitations and FAR on the subject property in accordance with Section 3.43 of the Hunting Creek Plan; (2) a request to amend the Height District Map within the RC zone to change the height districts for the subject property; (3) a development special use permit, with site plan and modifications, to construct a multi-family residential building; (4) a request for a parking reduction; (5) a request for increased height and density in accordance with Section 3.43 of the Hunting Creek Area Plan; and (6) a request for a transportation management plan; zoned RC/High Density. Applicant: Hunting Creek, LLC by J. Howard Middleton, attorney. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Deferred 5-1 END OF DEFERRAL/WITHDRAWAL CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action:_________________________________________________________
For copies of the above agendas, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 703 838-4550. Agendas may also be viewed on the City's website at www.alexandriava.gov. Please call the City Clerk's Office at 703 838-4550 to confirm that these meetings will be held.