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Regular Meeting
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - - 7:00 p.m.

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Present: Mayor William D. Euille, Vice Mayor Redella S. Pepper, Members of Council Ludwig P. Gaines, K. Rob Krupicka, Timothy B. Lovain, Paul C. Smedberg and Justin M. Wilson.

Absent: None.

Also Present: Mr. Hartmann, City Manager; Mr. Pessoa, City Attorney; Ms. Evans, Deputy City Manager; Mr. Jinks, Deputy City Manager; Mr. Caton, Legislative Director; Mr. Castrilli, Communications Director, City Manager's Office; Mr. Mason, Special Assistant to the City Manager, City Manager's Office; Police Captain Ogden; Deputy Police Chief Corle; Ms. Boyd, Director, Citizen Assistance; Mr. Kincannon, Director, Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities; Mr. Baier, Director, Transportation and Environmental Services; Ms. Baker, City Engineer, Transportation and Environmental Services; Dr. Gilmore, Director, Mental Health/Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse; Ms. Warren, Mental Health/Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse; Mr. Trobridge, Deputy Director, Office of Information Technology; Ms. Baker, Director, Office on Women; Ms. Hamer, Director, Planning and Zoning; Ms. Triggs, Director, Finance Department; Mr. Johnson, Director, Office of Management and Budget; Mr. Stewart, Office of Management and Budget; Fire Chief Thiel; Mr. Penn, Emergency Management Coordinator; Battalion Chief North; Assistant Fire Chief Middleton; Mr. Catlett, Director, Code Enforcement; and Mr. Lloyd.

Recorded by: Jacqueline M. Henderson, City Clerk and Clerk of Council

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City Council held a work session at 5:30 with the ARHA Board and also met in a work session with the Capital Development Foundation Members at 6:45 p.m.

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1. Calling the Roll.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Euille, and the City Clerk called the roll; all the members of Council were present.

2. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance.

City Council observed a moment of silence and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Reading and Acting Upon the Minutes of the Following Meeting of City Council:

(a) The Regular Meeting Minutes of May 13, 2008.

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Pepper, seconded by Councilman Wilson and carried unanimously, City Council approved the regular meeting minutes of May 13, 2008. The voting was as follows:

Pepper "aye" Gaines "aye"
Wilson "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Lovain "aye"
Smedberg "aye"




4. Presentation of a Proclamation Recognizing the 20th Anniversary of Kim Allen Kluge, Conductor of the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra.

This item was deferred.

5. Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring May 26-31, 2008 as Week of Remembrance of the Contraband and Freedmen's Cemetery.

(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 5; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Gaines, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council endorsed the proclamation. The voting was as follows:

Gaines "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Pepper "aye" Lovain "aye"
Euille "aye" Smedberg "aye"
Wilson "aye"

6. Presentation of a Proclamation Commending SCAN of Northern Virginia on the Celebration of its 20th Anniversary.

(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 6; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilmember Lovain, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council endorsed the proclamation. The voting was as follows:

Lovain "aye" Gaines "aye"
Pepper "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Smedberg "aye"
Wilson "aye"

7. Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring May 2008 as Mental Health Month.

(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 7; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Pepper, seconded by Councilman Gaines and carried unanimously, City Council endorsed the proclamation. The voting was as follows:

Pepper "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Gaines "aye" Lovain "aye"
Euille "aye" Smedberg "aye"
Wilson "aye"

8. Presentation of a Proclamation Recognizing Bonita Copeland, Office on Aging, as City Employee of the Month for May.

This item was deferred.

9. Viewing of iM2 Movie Mentors Video and Clips from the Film Festival and Recognition of Mentors and Alexandria Youth Participants.

City Council recognized the participants and the mentors.



(Resignations and Uncontested Appointments)

10. Receipt of the Following Resignations From Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees:

11. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees:
(Reports and Recommendations of the City Manager)

12. Consideration of a Request to Permit the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation to Dock the Tall Ship Godspeed at the City Marina for Seven Days and Waive All Associated Docking Fees.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 20, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 12; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

13. Consideration of a Noncompetitive, Litter Prevention Grant for the City Adopt-a-Park Litter Control Program From the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 16, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 13; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

14. Consideration of the Monthly Financial Report for the Period Ending April 30, 2008.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 21, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 14; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

15. Consideration of Authorization of Recommended Capital Project Allocations and Planned Expenditures.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 20, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 15; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

16. Consideration of Acceptance of A Funding Allocation from the National Capital Region (NCR) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) in the Amount of $83,675.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 21, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 16; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

17. Consideration of Acceptance of A Funding Allocation from the National Capital Region (NCR) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) in the Amount of $92,000.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 19, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 17; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

18. Consideration of Application for Grant Funds for Improvements to the Battered Women's Shelter.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 22, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 18; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)


WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Pepper, seconded by Councilman Krupicka and carried unanimously, City Council approved the consent calendar, with the exception of docket items #12 and 14, which were considered under separate motions. The City Manager's recommendations were as follows:

13. City Council authorized the City Manager to: 1. submit a non-competitive grant application to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (due June 30) Litter Prevention and Recycling Program, for funding in the approximate amount of $13,176 for the Adopt-a-Park Litter Control Program (the exact amount to be determined by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality by July 15, 2008); and 2. execute all necessary documents that may be required.

15. City Council authorized the capital project allocations and planned expenditures for the capital projects as detailed in the Capital Improvement Expenditure Summary.

16. City Council authorized the City Manager to: 1. accept the funding through the Urban Area Security Initiative in the amount of $83,675; and 2. execute all the necessary documents that may be required.

17. City Council authorized the City Manager to: 1. accept the funding through the Urban Area Security Initiative in the amount of $92,000; and 2. execute all the necessary documents that may be required.

18. City Council authorized the City Manager to: 1. submit the grant application to the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development for funding; and 2. execute all documents that may be required.

The voting was as follows:

Pepper "aye" Gaines "aye"
Krupicka "aye" Lovain "aye"
Euille "aye" Smedberg "aye"
Wilson "aye"

12. Consideration of a Request to Permit the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation to Dock the Tall Ship Godspeed at the City Marina for Seven Days and Waive All Associated Docking Fees.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 20, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 12; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

Director of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities Kincannon responded to questions of Council about notice to the neighboring civic associations and where the ship will be docked.

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Gaines and carried unanimously, City Council approved the request to dock the tall ship Godspeed at the City of Alexandria Marina for seven days and waive the associated docking fee. The voting was as follows:

Wilson "aye" Pepper "aye"
Gaines "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Lovain "aye"
Smedberg "aye"

14. Consideration of the Monthly Financial Report for the Period Ending April 30, 2008.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 21, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 14; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

Director of the Office of Management and Budget Johnson responded to questions of Council regarding the economic and revenue growth.

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Krupicka, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council received the monthly financial report for the period ending April 30, 2008. The voting was as follows:

Krupicka "aye" Gaines "aye"
Pepper "aye" Lovain "aye"
Euille "aye" Smedberg "aye"
Wilson "aye"


19. Alexandria Commission for Women
3 Citizen Members

(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Commission)


Joan Dodaro
Mary Catherine Gibbs
Laura Mandala
Nick Sciullo

(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of  Item No. 19; 5/2708, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following results: City Council reappointed Joan Dodaro, Mary Catherine Gibbs and Laura Mandala as the three citizen members to the Alexandria Commission for Women. The voting was as follows:

Euille - Dodaro, Gibbs, Mandala
Pepper - Dodaro, Gibbs, Mandala
Gaines - Dodaro, Gibbs, Mandala
Krupicka - Dodaro, Gibbs, Mandala
Lovain - Dodaro, Gibbs, Mandala
Smedberg - Dodaro, Gibbs, Mandala
Wilson - Dodaro, Gibbs, Mandala

20. Alexandria Human Rights Commission (The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Commission)


Nathir Ahmad
Desmond McIlwain

(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of  Item No. 20; 5/2708, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following results: City Council appointed Nathir Ahmad as the one citizen member to the Alexandria Human Rights Commission. The voting was as follows:

Euille - Ahmad
Pepper - Ahmad
Gaines - Ahmad
Krupicka - Ahmad
Lovain - Ahmad
Smedberg - Ahmad
Wilson - Admad


21. Consideration of License Agreement Between the City of Alexandria and Saint Agnes and Saint Stephens School For Use of the City Athletic Field and Tennis Courts Located at West Braddock Road.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 22, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 21; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

Mr. Kincannon responded to questions of Council about the value, the fee increase and the inflation rate.

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Pepper, seconded by Councilman Smedberg and carried unanimously, City Council: 1. approved a five-year license agreement with Church Schools in the Diocese of Virginia for the use of City owned athletic facilities located at 4401 West Braddock Road, from September 1 to May 31 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. of each year during the term of this agreement; and 2. authorized the City Manager to sign the license agreement. The voting was as follows:

Pepper "aye" Gaines "aye"
Smedberg "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Lovain "aye"
Wilson "aye"




(a) Councilman Smedberg reported on the first meeting of the Motor Coach Task Force and said that at that first meeting, they laid out the issues they have, the questions they have to answer, and a timeline, which will be a distinct four or five month period. There was work done a couple of years ago, but they have to refine it as they have new information before them. He said the members of the task force represent all interests of the City, and they are looking at the City as a whole.

(b) Councilmember Lovain said that as a member of the Transportation Planning Board, they approved additions to the region's transportation improvement program projects in Alexandria, including money for safe routes to schools at Charles Barrett and George Mason Elementary, as well as money for the preliminary engineering for the bicycle pedestrian bridge over Four Mile Run between Arlington and Alexandria.

(c) Councilmember Lovain said the Human Services Transportation Task Force has begun an oversight study on the Metro Access Program, as there were difficulties with that program associated with a prior contractor. They have reached a tentative agreement on the $2.5 million worth of funding for the new freedom and job access reverse commute federal funds. He said he is pleased the way the direction is going, as it will do very positive things for the region.

(d) Councilman Gaines said he represents Council on the Council of Governments Metropolitan Planning Committee and serves as chair of that regional committee. One of the major docket items from last week's meeting was on waterfront planning and development, and they had representatives from all the local jurisdictions, principally from Prince Georges County, the District of Columbia and Stephanie Brown, with the Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association. It was a very informative meeting with a tremendous amount of great information, in particular, he was impressed to see what other localities had already done and were planning to do with their waterfronts. They know about National Harbor and the development in Prince George's County, the District has a number of waterfront development projects planned, mixed use projects, as well as recreational use exclusively. He said he wished there was some way to speed up the overall comprehensive planning project for the waterfront development. In particular, he said, Stephanie Brown's presentation was well received, as it included a lot of their adaptive strategies and interim strategies for the waterfront and tourism that they were able to put in place. Of particular interest to many representatives was the success with the trolley and water taxi and connecting different aspects of the multi-jurisdictional waterfronts together. He said it was a very good, lively and informative COG meeting and the City was well represented.


(a) Councilman Wilson said he recently hosted a group of first graders from Lyles Crouch Academy, and he thanked City staff who made the visit possible: Laura Zabriskie-Martin, Jenn Harris, Robbie the Recycling Squirrel, Lance Malamo, Steve Mason, the folks from DASH, a librarian from Beatley, and Mayor Euille.

(b) Mayor Euille said he had an opportunity to participate in a semi-annual Mayor's Design and City Design Institute in Chicago last week, and there were mayors from the West and East Coasts, and the purpose was to talk about what they are doing in their cities, to do a presentation and share best practices. It also had professional architects, planners, engineers, designers, landscape folks, transportation experts, who had all been to Alexandria at one time or another or who are doing projects for Arlington County or in Maryland or the District of Columbia. In most of the presentations, he said, they used Alexandria and Arlington as communities that know how to do transit oriented development.

(c) Councilman Krupicka said he serves as chair of the Statewide Safe Routes to School Program, which is a combination of VDOT, the Board of Education, PTA folks and others, who meet once a month to go over a variety of initiatives across the state related to getting kids to walk and bike to school. He said Alexandria is a fortunate recipient of a grant from the Kaiser Foundation to take one of the local elementary schools and make it a pilot school for safe routes to school. Through education and other things, they will try to create a sustainable program for walking and biking to school. He said Mt. Vernon Elementary School was chosen, and congratulations go to the Mt. Vernon PTA, as they worked hard to get it to the State, to VDOT for helping support Alexandria in seeking to get it, and to the Kaiser Foundation for bringing it to them. He said it is a nice follow-on to the State grant they received last year to support the pedestrian and bicycle initiatives.

(d) Councilman Krupicka said anyone who was following Maury Elementary School in Rosemont over the last few years knows that the PTA has been pushing a very strong environmental message with the kids - they are composting, recycling, and they are putting in energy efficient light bulbs. For the past few months, from October to April, they were sponsoring a turn off the lights contest to see which classrooms and which areas of the school could be the best at remembering to turn the lights off when they left the room and all things associated with that. He said they saved $1,600 by keeping the lights off at Maury a little more frequently. The amount of energy they saved - about 20,000 kilowatts - would have taken about 38 tons of trash to produce that 20,000 kilowatts of energy.

(e) Vice Mayor Pepper noted that Aniece Wilson died this past month and she had been the executive director of Hopkins House and had expanded the program to include child care. She said she had previously been the vice president of the NAACP, served on every committee that needed someone, and was always in charge or working for the banquet committee.


City Manager Hartmann, Fire Chief Thiel, and City Attorney Pessoa gave a status update presentation on the ethanol transloading operation being done by Norfolk Southern in Alexandria at Van Dorn. Mr. Doug McNeil, director, distribution services, and Mr. Michael Webb, district manager, representatives of Norfolk Southern, also spoke and responded to questions of City Council.

Mayor Euille stated that it appeared that certain members of staff and departments had knowledge about on-going activities and action on the part of Norfolk Southern but yet not one member of the staff gave any notice to the City Council on what was happening and what was about to happen until a couple weeks ago when the memo of May 15 was issued by the City Manager. He said if everyone felt it was of such importance that they were working to prevent it from happening, but yet didn't bring it to the attention of City Council, he felt they were at fault and to blame for not informing City Council of what was happening. He said it spoke to the irresponsibility on the part of the entire staff that Council was not provided any knowledge.

Mayor Euille said the City would do everything it could to get Norfolk Southern to cease operations, shut it down and get them out of the City.

Mayor Euille summarized what is being requested and the next steps: There will be a meeting with the City Manager, City Attorney and the Fire Chief at 12:00 noon on May 28 to talk about some things and get organized; arrange for an executive session with Council for personnel matters; it needs to talk about legal maneuvers and options available to the Council; request a meeting with Congressman Moran and their U.S. Senators; prepare a letter to Norfolk Southern for his signature; coordinate and plan a meeting that will occur next Monday with Summers Grove and see if it can't get the other adjacent civic associations or community associations engaged and present, along with staff.


22. Second Reading and Final Passage of an Ordinance to Increase the Business Professional and Occupational License Tax Rate Applicable to Pay Day and Car Title Lenders. (#3, 4/14/08, #31, 4/22/08, #12, 5/5/08, #33, 5/13/08)

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated April 9, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 22; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.

A copy of the informal memorandum explaining the ordinance is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 2 of Item No. 22; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.

A copy of the ordinance referred to in the above item, of which each Member of Council received a copy not less than 24 hours before said introduction, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 3 of Item No. 22; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously, City Council deferred action on the ordinance to increase the business professional and occupational license tax rate applicable to pay day and car title lenders to the June 24 City Council meeting. The voting was as follows:

Wilson "aye" Gaines "aye"
Pepper "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Lovain "aye"
Smedberg "aye"

23. Consideration of a Resolution to Establish a Fee For Noise Permits. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 23, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 23; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously by roll-call vote, City Council adopted the resolution to establish a fee for noise permits. The voting was as follows:

Wilson "aye" Gaines "aye"
Pepper "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Lovain "aye"
Smedberg "aye"

The resolution reads as follows:

WHEREAS, under Section 2.07 of the City Charter, City Council has the authority to establish fees to be charged for services provided by the City; and

WHEREAS, under City Code Section 3-1-8(a), except as otherwise expressly provided in this code or in the zoning ordinance, all fees and charges for applications submitted to; for permits and approvals issued by, and for activities, programs and services provided by, the City of Alexandria shall be established by resolution of the City Council; and

WHEREAS, City Council has now determined that it is necessary and desirable to establish for noise permits at the rate of $50 per permit for construction variances and $20 per permit for music amplification variances;


1. That, beginning in fiscal year 2009, the fee for noise permits shall be $50.00 per permit for construction variances, and $20.00 per permit for music amplification variances.

2. That the fees established in Section 1 above shall apply to noise permits and, unless and until revised by the City Council, to such services provided during subsequent fiscal years.

3. That this resolution shall be effective on the date and at the time of adoption.

24. Consideration of a Resolution to Increase Admission and Rental Fees at Select Facilities of the Office of Historic Alexandria. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 20, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 24; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Smedberg, seconded by Councilman Wilson and carried unanimously by roll-call vote, City Council adopted the resolution to increase admission and rental fees at select facilities of the Office of Historic Alexandria. The voting was as follows:

Smedberg "aye" Pepper "aye"
Wilson "aye" Gaines "aye"
Euille "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Lovain "aye"

The resolution reads as follows:

WHEREAS, under section 2.07 of the City Charter, City Council has the authority to establish fees to be charged for services provided by the City; and

WHEREAS, City Council has now determined that it is necessary and desirable to increase certain admission and rental fees for select facilities administered by the Office of Historic Alexandria, to offset increased expenses of approximately $36,315 in the fiscal year 2009 operating budget of that Office; and

WHEREAS, the increase of admission and rental fees at these select facilities will have minimal financial impact on residents and visitors to these museums and sites and allow them to remain competitive with other historic attractions in the City of Alexandria;

1. That, beginning in fiscal year 2009, new admissions and rental fee charges at select Office of Historic Alexandria facilities shall be as follows:

Fort Ward- Adult Fee for outdoor reenactments and special event activities- $2 Children/students to 18 years- Free

The Lyceum-
“Pay What You Can, But You Must Pay Something”- Suggested admission- $2
Minimum admission $.01
Alexandria Black History Museum-
“Pay What You Can, But You Must Pay Something”- Suggested admission- $2
Minimum admission $.01
Friendship Firehouse Museum-
“Pay What You Can, But You Must Pay Something”- Suggested admission- $2
Minimum admission $.01
Lloyd House Rentals-
Wedding Ceremony $600
Wedding Reception $1,800
Additional $ per hour (ph) after 6 hours $250 ph
Parties, Special Events, Fundraisers (Sunday-Thursday) $225 ph
Parties, Special Events, Fundraisers (Friday and Saturday) $275 ph
Meetings, Seminars and Workshops- No Food or Beverage $ 60 ph
Meetings, Seminars and Workshops- With Food and/or Beverage $120 ph

Lyceum Rentals-
Wedding Ceremony $600
Wedding Reception $1,800
Additional $ per hour after 6 hours $250 ph
Parties, Special Events, Fundraisers (All days) $300 ph
Meetings, Seminars and Workshops- No Food or Beverage $60 ph
Meetings, Seminars and Workshops-With Food and/or Beverage $120 ph

2. That the admission and rental fees established in section 1 above shall apply to museum admission and site use rental services provided by the City during fiscal year 2009 and, unless and until revised by the City Council, to such services provided during subsequent fiscal years.

3. That this resolution shall be effective on the date and at the time of adoption.

25. Consideration of a Resolution to Increase Excavation and Right-of-Way Permits. [ROLL-CALL VOTE]

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 20, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 25; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Smedberg, seconded by Vice Mayor Pepper and carried unanimously by roll-call vote, City Council adopted the resolution to increase excavation and right-of-way permits. The voting was as follows:

Smedberg "aye" Gaines "aye"
Pepper "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Euille "aye" Lovain "aye"
Wilson "aye"

The resolution reads as follows:

WHEREAS, under Section 2.07 of the City Charter, City Council has the authority to establish fees to be charged for services provided by the City; and

WHEREAS, under City Code Section 3-1-8(a), except as otherwise expressly provided in this code or in the zoning ordinance, all fees and charges for applications submitted to; for permits and approvals issued by, and for activities, programs and services provided by, the City of Alexandria shall be established by resolution of the City Council; and

WHEREAS, City Council has now determined that it is necessary and desirable to increase the excavation permit fee to $100.00 and all other right-of-way permit fees to $30.00;

1. That, beginning in fiscal year 2009, the fee for excavation permits shall be $100.00 per permit, and the fee for right-of-way permits shall be $30.00 per permit.

2. That the fees established in Section 1 above shall apply to excavation permits and right-of-way permits and, unless and until revised by the City Council, to such services provided during subsequent fiscal years.

3. That this resolution shall be effective on the date and at the time of adoption.


26. Consideration of City Council Schedule.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated May 22, 2008, is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 26; 5/27/08, and is incorporated as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Pepper, seconded by Councilman Krupicka and carried unanimously, City Council received the revised calendar which includes: the 27th Annual Alexandria Red Cross Waterfront festival on Saturday, June 14 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Sunday, June 15 from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Oronoco Bay Park; and a reception for the Commission for the Arts grant awardees at 5:30 p.m. before Council's Tuesday, June 24 legislative meeting in Room 2000 of City Hall; and added a work session with the ARHA Board on June 10 at 5:00 p.m., if needed. The voting was as follows:

Pepper "aye" Gaines "aye"
Krupicka "aye" Lovain "aye"
Euille "aye" Smedberg "aye"
Wilson "aye"

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THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO BE CONSIDERED, upon motion by Vice Mayor Pepper, seconded by Councilman Gaines and carried unanimously, the regular City Council meeting of May 27, 2008, was adjourned at 10:08 p.m. The voting was as follows:

Pepper "aye" Krupicka "aye"
Gaines "aye" Lovain "aye"
Euille "aye" Smedberg "aye"
Wilson "aye"




Jacqueline M. Henderson, CMC, City Clerk

This docket is subject to change.

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Full-text copies of ordinances, resolutions, and agenda items are available in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of the Council.
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Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the City Council meeting may call the City Clerk and Clerk of Council's Office at 838-4500 (TTY/TDD 838-5056). We request that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made.

City Council meetings are closed-captioned for the hearing impaired.
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