1. Calling the Roll. Mayor Euille called the meeting to order and the Deputy City Clerk called the roll. All the members of Council were present. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 2. Public Discussion Period. (a) Mary Ursitti, 4314 Beaumont Avenue, requested that City Council consider awarding a stipend to employees who provide bilingual speaking services to serve community needs. Ms. Ursitti noted that neighboring jurisdictions currently compensate employees with bilingual speaking abilities. (b) Gary Carr, 216 Aspen Street, requested that Council restore the running tracks at Francis Hammond and George Washington Middle School. Mr. Carr submitted a proposal for the restoration of running tracks at the middle schools for the record. (c) Van Van Fleet, 26 Wolfe Street, addressed bicycle traffic in the City and the need for increased enforcement of traffic laws for cyclists, particularly in the Old Town area. (d) Pat Miller, 1806 North Cliff Street, thanked City Council and the many City employees for their help and participation at a successful Art on the Avenue event. (e) Annabelle Fisher, 5001 Seminary Road, requested that the salaries and raises of the City Manager, the City Attorney, and the City Clerk be posted to the city's website without the submittal of a FOIA request. Ms. Fisher also requested that the amount each department spends on outside consultants be posted to the website. (f) Amy Slack, 2307 East Randolph Avenue, thanked City staff for their help and participation in Art on the Avenue event and thanked Pat Miller for all the hard work she put into the event. (g) Poul Hertel, 1217 Michigan Court, on behalf of the Old Town Civic Association and representatives of the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, requested that the City confirm to the community that the planning process for the Alexandria's waterfront will begin no later than January 2009. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR1 (3-4) Planning Commission 3. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2008-0066 2034 EISENHOWER AVENUE (Parcel Address: 2000 Eisenhower Avenue) CHILD AND FAMILY NETWORK CHILD CARE Public Hearing and Consideration of a request for a child day care center; zoned CDD-1/Coordinated Development District. Applicant: The Child and Family Network Centers by Lee Jackson PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 4. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2008-0062 209 SWAMPFOX ROAD (Parcel Address: 200 Stovall Street) DELIA' S PIZZERIA Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to operate a restaurant; zoned CDD #2/Coordinated Development District 2. Applicant: George Theodorou, Theodora Theodorou, Theodosia Theodorou, and Christian Falatko PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 END OF ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR City Council approved the action consent calendar, with the removal of docket item number #4, which was considered under a separate motion. City Council also included docket item number #8 on the action consent calendar. The approval was as follows: 3. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. 4. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation with an amendment to condition #2, changing the closing time from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m., seven days a week. (separate motion) 8. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER 5. Public Hearing on the Report From the Council Committee on Boards and Commissions. (#22B, 6/24/08) City Council held the public hearing on the Report from the Council Committee on Boards and Commissions. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES (continued) Planning Commission (continued) 6. REZONING #2007-0003 1199 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET HUNTING CREEK PLAZA/HUNTING TERRACE Public Hearing and Consideration for a request for an amendment to the Height District Map within the RC zone to change the height districts for the subject property. Applicant: Hunting Creek, LC by J. Howard Middleton, attorney PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Denial 6-0-1 City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation and upheld the denial. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 7. TEXT AMENDMENT #2008-0004 SMALL BUSINESS ZONING Public Hearing and Consideration of a text amendment of the Zoning Ordinance eliminating the requirement for SUP approval for a variety of uses, changing a variety of uses to either permitted or administrative SUP uses, and amending the procedures and standards for minor and change of ownership amendments and for administrative SUPs, as recommended by the Small Business Task Force. Staff: Department of Planning and Zoning PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval w/amendments 6-0 City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation with the following amendments: (1) staff should bring the proposed checklist for SUPs back to the Planning Commission and City Council for review and adoption within two months of the final adoption of the ordinance relating to this item; (2) keep the appeals process the same for restaurants as it relates to the Planning Commission. As it relates to all other uses, move to a 14 day appeals process after the Planning and Zoning Director has made a recommendation and to a five day appeal process from Planning Commission to City Council, including restaurants; (3) SUP applications be made available on-line for review; and (4) there will be a review of the process in one year following the implementation. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 8. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2008-0063 1106 KING STREET LE GAULOIS RESTAURANT - AMENDMENT Public Hearing and Consideration of a request for an amendment to add live entertainment to a restaurant; zoned KR/ King Street Retail. Applicant: 1106 King Street Restaurant, LLC by David Chamowitz, attorney PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 This item was moved the Action Consent Calendar. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ ***Please note: Docket items 9, 10, and 11 were heard together. *** 9. MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT #2008-0005 BRADDOCK METRO AND NORTHEAST SMALL AREA PLANS BRADDOCK EAST AMENDMENTS Braddock East is the area bounded by portions of First and Madison Streets to the north, a portion of Columbus Street to the east, portions of Wythe, Pendleton and North Patrick Streets on the south, and portions of North West and North Henry Streets to the west. Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to amend the Braddock Metro and Northeast Small Area Plans to include Braddock East. Staff: Department of Planning and Zoning PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Resolution Adopted 7-0 10. MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT #2008-0004 (A) REZONING #2008-0001 (B) CDD CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PLAN #2008-0002 (C) SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2008-0060 (D) DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2008-0013 (E) 918 NORTH COLUMBUS STREET; 898 & 998 NORTH ALFRED STREET; 801 & 808 MADISON STREET, 813 MONTGOMERY STREET, 100 FIRST STREET JAMES BLAND REDEVELOPMENT Public Hearing and Consideration of a request for: (A) a master plan amendment to change the land designation from RM to CDD #16; (B) an amendment to the zoning map to change the subject properties from RB/Townhouse to CDD#16; (C) approval of a concept development plan; (D) a request for a transportation management plan; (E) a development special use permit, with site plan, for the construction of a townhouse and multifamily residential development with more than 8 townhouses in a row, lots without frontage on a public street and a parking reduction; zoned RB/Townhouse Residential. Applicant: Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority & EYA Development, Inc., by Jonathan Rak, attorney PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION:MPA #2008-0004: Resolution Adopted 7-0 REZ #2008-0001: Recommend Approval 7-0 CDD #2008-0002: Recommend Approval 7-0 SUP #2008-0060: Recommend Approval 7-0 DSUP#2008-0013: Recommend Approval w/amendments 7-0 11. TEXT AMENDMENT #2008-0007 ADDITION OF CDD #16 Public Hearing and Consideration of a text amendment to the City's Zoning Ordinance to include CDD #16. Staff: City of Alexandria, Department of Planning and Zoning. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval w/amendments 7-0 City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendations for docket items #9, #10, and #11 with the following amendments: (1) incorporate the language submitted by the Inner City Civic Association and the Braddock Lofts Homeowners Association for the Braddock East Small Area Plan; (2) accept staff recommendations in the staff memo dated October 17, regarding open space, the 16 offsite units, the process to review the distribution of income in the multifamily buildings, the management office for the public housing, building architecture and parking. Include the option, for Council to decide within the next 12 months, for Council to purchase two additional lots to increase the consolidated open space at the same economics of the original four lots; (3) require that the final Homeowners Associations documents modify the housing conditions to be clear that market rate unit holders must use their garages for vehicular parking and may not use them for another purpose that restricts the use of the garage for parking; (4) in light of the significant loss of permeable surfaces, direct staff to work with the applicant to explore economically viable use of all reasonable environmental technologies, with a specific emphasis on storm water management approaches to keep storm water onsite and in the water table (e.g. permeable pavement), and to explore potential grant funding to help support this project; (5) direct staff to create, within 90 days, a Braddock Road Implementation Committee that shall be responsible for monitoring the implementation of all aspects of the Braddock Road and Braddock Road East plans as well as related city activities that relate to this neighborhood; (6) work with the applicant to explore options to provide for accessible electrical outlets in all parking garages to facilitate future electric car options, if economically feasible; (7) direct staff to work with the community to develop a formal parking plan for the neighborhood, including Inner City, NorthEast, and Braddock Road with the goal of completion of such plan within 18 months or less. The plan should evaluate options for diagonal parking, among other things; (8) direct staff to explore with the community and report back to the Braddock Road Implementation Committee (or whatever the group is named) on options for changing street flow so that the new one-way access between First and Montgomery Streets run north to south and the one-way access between Montgomery and Madison run south to north and also to evaluate whether one way streets would be beneficial; and (9) the applicant shall work with staff to explore the relocation of the public housing units on lot #17 to a location on North Alfred Street to be determined by the applicant and the Director of Planning and Zoning. The relocated ARHA footprint will be replaced by two market rate 3 1/2 story, 19 foot wide townhouses. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 12. CARLYLE BLOCK P Status of Floor Area Transfers and Redevelopment Plans for the East Block of Carlyle Block P. (CDD#1) (THIS ITEM IS NOT SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING BUT IS FOR CITY COUNCIL'S INFORMATION ONLY - NO APPROVAL IS NECESSARY.) City Council received the item as information only. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 13. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of an Ordinance to Establish and Maintain an Encroachment For Three Entrance Canopies For the Building Into the Public Sidewalk Right-of-way at Carlyle Center, 310 Hoofs Run Drive. (#16, 10/14/08) [ROLL-CALL VOTE] City Council passed an ordinance to establish and maintain an encroachment for three entrance canopies for the building into the public sidewalk right-of-way at Carlyle Center, 310 Hoofs Run Drive. (ORD. NO. 4561) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 14. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of an Ordinance to Establish and Maintain an Encroachment For a Bay Window at 1309 King Street. (#17, 10/14/08) [ROLL-CALL VOTE] City Council passed an ordinance to establish and maintain an encroachment for a bay window at 1309 King Street. (ORD. NO. 4562) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES (continued) DEFERRAL/WITHDRAWAL CONSENT CALENDAR None END OF DEFERRAL/WITHDRAWAL CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action:_________________________________________________________