The Alexandria Planning Commission docket is subject to change. Planning and Zoning staff can provide information on changes that occur prior to the meeting. Staff reports on each item are available in the Department of Planning and Zoning. The Planning Commission reserves the right to vary the order of the meeting, if so announced. Department of Planning and Zoning 301 King Street, City Hall, Room 2100 Alexandria, Virginia 22314 phone: (703) 746-4666
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5A-C. MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT #2010-0001(A) REZONING #2010-0001(B) DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2009-0013(C) 1001 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET AND 714 CHURCH STREET FREEDMEN'S CEMETERY MEMORIAL Public hearing and consideration of a request for A) a master plan amendment to change the land use designation from commercial to parks and open space; B) a zoning map amendment to change the zoning designation from commercial low to parks and open space and C) a development special use permit to develop a memorial to commemorate the Contrabands and Freedmen of Alexandria; zoned CL/Commercial Low. Applicant: City of Alexandria, Department of Transportation and Environmental Services ACTION: MPA ADOPTED RESOLUTION 7-0 REZ RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 7-0 DSUP RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 7-0 6. DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2010-0002 923 KING STREET THE KING BUILDING AT 923 Public hearing and consideration of a request for a development special use permit, with site plan and a modification, to construct an addition, a request for increased FAR and request to operate a restaurant; zoned KR/King Street Urban Retail. Applicant: Seyed Hossein Shoja-Maddahi by Duncan Blair. ACTION: RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 7-0 7A&B. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2010-0009 (A) ENCROACHMENT #2010-0003 (B) 277 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET SOCIETY FAIR RESTAURANT Public hearing and consideration of (A) a request to operate a restaurant and (B) an encroachment into the public right of way for outdoor seating; zoned CD/Commercial Downtown. Applicant: Cathal and Meshelle Armstrong represented by Duncan Blair, attorney ACTION: SUP RECOMMENDED APPROVAL w/amendments 7-0 ENC RECOMMENDED APPROVAL w/amendments 7-0 8A&B. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2010-0010 (A) CITY CHARTER SECTION 9.06 CASE #2010-0002 (B) 106 SOUTH UNION STREET RESTAURANT (A) Public hearing and consideration of request to operate a restaurant and (B) consideration of a change in use of public property pursuant to Section 9.06 of the City Charter; zoned KR/King Street Urban Retail. Applicant: 106 Union Dublin, LLC. represented by Duncan Blair, attorney (SUP #2010-0010) and the City of Alexandria, Department of Planning and Zoning (CC Sec 9.06 #2010-0002) ACTION: SUP RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 6-1 9.06 APPROVED 6-1 9. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2010-0011 2312 MOUNT VERNON AVENUE PORK BARREL BBQ Public hearing and consideration of a request to operate a restaurant; zoned CL/Commercial Low. Applicant: Hog Thaid, LLC by Michael Anderson ACTION: RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 7-0 10. MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT #2010-0002 (Click here for all of the attachments for MPA #2010-0002) NORTH POTOMAC YARD SMALL AREA PLAN Public hearing and consideration of a request to amend the City’s Master Plan to include the North Potomac Yard Small Area Plan. Staff: City of Alexandria, Department of Planning and Zoning. ACTION: ADOPTED RESOLUTION 7-0 11A&B.TEXT AMENDMENT #2010-0001 SMALL BUSINESS ZONING REGULATIONS A) Initiation of a text amendment; B) Public hearing and consideration of a request for an amendment to the City's Zoning Ordinance regulations related to small businesses Staff: City of Alexandria Department of Planning and Zoning ACTION: DEFERRED BY STAFF 12. Consideration of approval of the Planning Commission minutes of the regular public hearing of April 6, 2010. ACTION: APPROVED AS SUBMITTED WITHOUT OBJECTION 13. Other Business. No other business was discussed. 14. Adjournment. The Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 12:00 a.m. INFORMATION ITEMS Administrative approvals: The following special use permits have been administratively approved by the Department of Planning and Zoning: SUP#2010-0005 Location:446 Calvert Avenue Applicant: Murat Pacal Request: Change of Ownership SUP#2010-0004 Location: 1909 Mount Vernon Avenue Applicant Sawkeet Corp by Stephen Scott Request: Administrative Special Use Permit SUP#2010-0013 Location: 1725 Duke Street Applicant: Mohamed Hyali and Zaid Al Jalil Request: Change of Ownership