1. Calling the Roll. Mayor Euille called the meeting to order and the Deputy City Clerk called the roll. All the members of Council were present, with Councilwoman Hughes arriving at the meeting at 10:05 a.m. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 2. Public Discussion Period. The following persons participated in the public discussion period: (a) Margo Chisholm, 124 Longview Drive, spoke about the importance of teaching children about personal safety and invited everyone to join the Alexandria Library, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the Alexandria Police Department and the Alexandria Sheriff's Department at the Beatley Central Library on May 25 for an event to educate parents about personal safety for children and have the children fingerprinted. (b) Bert Ely, 200 South Pitt Street, requested that the City withdraw the appeal of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) decision filed in the Alexandria Circuit Court and he requested that Council accept the BZA decision and appoint a committee to review the language of Section 11-808 of the zoning ordinance. (c) Jack Mackey, 1214 Hillside Terrace, a student of George Washington Middle School student, spoke about preserving the Winkler Botanical Preserve for Alexandria students to experience nature in its true form. Mr. Mackey, along with his classmates, submitted a petition from the students from George Washington Middle School requesting longtime monitoring of the programs at Winkler. (d) Sydney Collins, 1005 Mount Vernon Avenue, George Washington Middle School student, spoke about preserving the Winkler Botanical Preserve for Alexandria students to experience nature in its true form. (e) Tori Cook, 1005 Mount Vernon Avenue, George Washington Middle School student, spoke about preserving the Winkler Botanical Preserve for Alexandria students to experience nature in its true form. (f) Poul Hertel, 1217 Michigan Court, spoke about the use of the George Washington Memorial Highway for the haul route for building the Metrorail in the Potomac Yard area. (g) Gary Carr, 216 Aspen Street, spoke as an advocate for running tracks in order to combat childhood obesity. Mr. Carr requested a new feasibility study to show where a running track can be located in a public space in Alexandria that will be accessible to all. Mr. Carr noted that the issue of lights at public tracks needs to be resolved. (h) David Fromm, 2307 East Randolph Avenue, invited everyone to the Del Ray House and Garden Tour, May 19, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., to raise money to contribute to the Scholarship Fund and to complete one of the neighborhood parks. (I) Andrew Macdonald, 217 North Columbus Street, spoke about the appeal of the BZA decision to the Alexandria Circuit Court and requested that the City release an accounting of the amount of taxpayer funds spent to defend the legal issue involving the Waterfront. (j) Randy Stevens, 317 North Payne Street, spoke about creating affordable housing partnerships in the City to address the lack of choices available and he noted that he is working with the faith based community to address some of the affordable housing challenges. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR Planning Commission 3. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2012-0023 2850 EISENHOWER AVENUE - RESTAURANT Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to operate a restaurant; zoned OCM-100/Office Commercial Medium (100). Applicant: ATC IV LLC by Simpson Properties, Ltd. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 4. DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2012-0002 6101 and 6125 STEVENSON AVENUE - STEVENSON AVENUE CONDOS EXTENSION Public Hearing and Consideration of a request for a two-year extension of validity of a previously approved development special use permit with site plan (DSUP #2004-0008); zoned OCM (50)/Office Commercial Medium (50). Applicant: Steven A. Hansen, LLC and WWTV Stevenson Avenue, LLC, represented by M. Catherine Puskar, attorney PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 5. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2012-0028 251 WEST GLEBE ROAD (Parcel Address: 221 West Glebe Road) - EL CUSCALETCO Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to operate a restaurant; zoned CDD #12/Coordinated Development District #12. Applicant: Fossal, Inc., by Michael Kim, attorney PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 6. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2012-0036 4016 TANEY AVENUE - SUBSTANDARD LOT CONSTRUCTION Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to construct a new home on a substandard lot; zoned R-8/Single-Family. Applicant: Janlan Co., LLC c/o Janet Wilcox by Johnathan Brodie, agent PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 7. DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2011-0033 5225, 5249, 5261 EISENHOWER AVENUE - EISENHOWER AVENUE FIRE STATION Public Hearing and Consideration of a request for a development special use permit, with site plan, to construct a three-story public fire station containing existing police firing range and impound lot and for modifications of the landscape requirements for street trees, tree canopy coverage, and parking lot landscape; zoned OCM (100)/Office Commercial Medium (100). Applicant: City of Alexandria Department of General Services PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 8. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2012-0017 500 NORTH HENRY STREET (Parcel Address: 525 North Fayette Street) - DOMINO'S PIZZA Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to operate a restaurant; zoned CRMU - H/Commercial Residential Mixed Use (High). Applicant: Team Washington, Inc., D/B/A Domino's Pizza PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval w/amendments 7-0 9. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2012-0016 615 SOUTH PICKETT STREET (Parcel Address: 504 S. Van Dorn Street) -- JAMBOREE JUMPS Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to operate an amusement enterprise; zoned CG/Commercial General. Applicant: Jamboree Jumps LLC PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval w/amendments 7-0 10. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2012-0033 1327 NORTH CHAMBLISS STREET -- CHILD CARE HOME Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to operate a child care home; zoned R-12/Single-family. Applicant: Vigdonia Guzman PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 END OF ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR City Council approved the action consent calendar, with the exception of docket items #5 and #7, which was approved under separate motions. The approval was as follows: 3. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. 4. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. 5. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation, with an amendment to condition #25, stating the following, "The Director of Planning and Zoning shall review the application within five years of issuance of the SUP in order to review compatibility with the redevelopment within the Arlandria Small Area Plan. (separate motion) 6. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. 7. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. (separate motion) 8. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. 9. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. 10. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES (continued) Planning Commission (continued) 11. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2012-0018 207 SOUTH PEYTON STREET - ST. COLETTA'S SCHOOL Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to increase the number of students at a private school; zoned OCH/Office Commercial High. Applicant: St. Colette's of Greater Washington, Inc., by M. Catherine Gibbs, attorney. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES (continued) Planning Commission (continued) 12. MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT #2012-0003 BEAUREGARD SMALL AREA PLAN Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to amend the Seminary Hill/Strawberry Hill and Alexandria West Small Area Plans, and to adopt the Beauregard Small Area Plan as a chapter of the City's Master Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Initiated 6-0 Adopted Resolution w/amendments 6-0 City Council approved the Planning Commission's recommendation as amended with the following amendments from City Council: (1) on page 75, regarding open space, add language stating, "Staff shall work to develop additional open space options using the $1.5 million Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) funding to expand existing or proposed park/open space and shall seek to enhance such park/open space with community-oriented, low intensity uses such as picnic areas, trails or a structure for outdoor concerts." (2) on page 96, regarding Southern Towers additional affordable housing, insert language stating, "the portion of the Southern Towers property remaining in the Beauregard Small Area Plan (BSAP) but not currently planned for redevelopment and contains a large concentration of market rate and affordable housing. The City shall consider amending the BSAP to permit redevelopment of Southern Towers provided that any such redevelopment contains an affordable housing component." (3) on page 140, regarding transportation, add language, "during the application for Development Special Use Permit (DSUP) staff shall evaluate additional options for the Beauregard-Seminary Road intersection to ensure that other options might be considered in terms of efficiency and level of service (LOS). While the ellipse configuration shows promise, this option should be evaluated along with other planned transportation improvements associated with BRAC and other alternatives identified in the DSUP process." (4) new language for Section 4.26 stating, "At the perimeter of Dora Kelly Park, the design of the road should distinctly change character and speed, creating a large park lane where pedestrians and bicyclists have primacy. The width of the park road should narrow, perhaps to a single one-way lane for cars but with a substantive bike and pedestrian lane of equal width integrated. Its surface should change to one that is rough textured and employs pervious paving material. Consideration should be given to providing no parking or parking on one side away from the park and the road should undulate along its length. The neighborhood side should have a widened walkway that becomes narrower and wider at various points to accommodate landscaping and curves in the lane. The park side should not have curb and gutter, but a swale to accommodate infiltration of run-off. Consideration should be given to permitting only local traffic on this park lane at certain times of day or seasonally on weekends so the road itself can become an extension of the park at time, particularly on weekends in the spring and fall." (5) add language to Section 4.27 stating, "As part of the city's regular budget review process, the city will consider additional opportunities to purchase open space to expand the Winkler Preserve, Dora Kelly Park and other areas of this small area plan that would contribute to the overall community quality of life. Any such proposal would be subject to the standard budget evaluation process." (6) add Section 4.47 stating, "Stormwater plans within the planning area, whenever feasible, must seek to minimize, and if possible reduce stormwater discharge into the Winkler Botanical Preserve." (7) add to the transportation section, Section C language stating, "Adequate transportation infrastructure should take into consideration features within the planning area, including provision of a transportation hub, as well as connected infrastructure outside the planning area, such as the implementation plans for all of the Corridor C transit system." (8) add language to the Transportation section, regarding Transportation phasing stating, "Prior to granting any final densities (DSUP) considered in this plan, the transportation infrastructure projects described as well as any refinements to them should be found to address the goals laid out in this plan and should have a clear and reliable implementation plan." (9 add language to Section 8.15 regarding transit improvement implementation stating, "DSUP applications shall not be approved unless the approval authorities have reviewed and made a finding that in their judgment Corridor C is proceeding as planned." (10) add a section to the Implementation Section stating, "in order to provide oversight and to ensure the plan is implemented carefully and thoughtfully, the City will create a citizen advisory group to monitor and provide guidance to the Planning Commission, City Council and City staff on all aspects of this small area plan. The group will include a broad cross section of community stakeholders and will be appointed by the City Council prior to rezoning." (11) add language to the Implementation Section stating, "in order to carefully manage the various financing approaches called for in this plan, the City shall prepare for Council a regular (annual or as appropriate) update on the financial projections and costs associated with the plan." (12) add language to the affordable housing section stating, "Any property owners that provide committed, dedicated units at the time of the rezoning shall have such dedication count toward their obligation to provide 40 years of dedicated housing." (13) add language to the affordable housing section stating, "Prior to any rezoning the City shall complete a survey of current area tenants and that information shall be used to design the specific implementation plans of the affordable housing elements of the plan." (14) add language to the affordable and workforce housing distribution section stating, "Properties that are proffered or purchased to achieve affordable housing goals should be distributed throughout the plan area and should provide a range of subsidies." (15) add language to the affordable and workforce housing distribution section stating, "Prior to rezoning the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee shall provide recommendations related to the provision of affordable housing to City Council and the Planning Commission. These recommendation will take into account the results of the tenant survey and the funding recommendations of the plan." (16) add language to the affordable housing section stating, "Due to the expected competition for affordable housing units in the BSAP, the Office of Housing should give preference to current, income-qualified tenants in the BSAP at the time of adoption, to obtain the affordable units." (17) add language to the affordable housing section stating, "The Office on Housing shall circulate among City employees, including firefighters, teachers, police officers, and sheriff's office, information regarding the availability of units in the BSAP area." (18) add language regarding tree canopy stating, "Implementation of the plan by the City should consider creating an agreement early in the implementation process with a commercial tree grower for pre-contracted nursery stock needed in the Beauregard area for the next 10 to 15 years. The goal is to increase the caliper of trees planted in the planning area." (19) revise recommendation 4.45 to state, "The redevelopment area is required to provide 40% tree canopy. In no case, shall tree canopy coverage be less than the applicable City requirements and provisions at the time of the approval for each redevelopment area. To the extent that the tree canopy cannot be accommodated on-site, tree canopy may be provided off-site within the Plan area, Dora Kelley, and/or other nearby areas as determined by staff and supported by the Planning Commission and City Council." (20) revise the language at Section 5.9 regarding the affordable housing recommendation stating that cost-sharing between the City and the Developer shall be negotiated for an extension of ten years. City Council requested that staff shall create a clear and detailed delineation of responsibilities for property owners as it relates to the implementation of the BSAP. City Council also requested that staff bring a recommendation for the establishment of the citizen advisory group by the last legislative meeting in June. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 13. ROUTE 1 TRANSITWAY IMPLEMENTATION Public Hearing and Consideration of a request for approval of the design for the Route 1 High Capacity Transit Way as part of the Transportation Master Plan implementation. Applicant: Transportation and Environmental Services PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval w/amendments 7-0 City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation including an additional provision for staff to further review the turn signalization as discussed. City Council also requested that staff begin the process to create a parking district for the area. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 14. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of an Ordinance to Modify Section 3-1-7 of Chapter 1 of Title 3 of the City Code to Add the Line of Duty Benefits to the Post-employment Non-benefit Trust Fund Account. (#22, 5/8/2012) City Council adopted an ordinance to modify section 3-1-7 of Chapter 1 of Title 3 of the City Code to add the Line of Duty Benefits to the Post-Employment Non-Benefit Trust Fund Account. (ORD. NO. 4762) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 15. Consideration of a Resolution Providing for Irrevocable Election Not to Participate in Line of Duty Trust Fund and Proposed Amendment to the City of Alexandria Post-employment Benefits Trust. (#22, 5/8/2012) City Council adopted a resolution providing for irrevocable election not to participate in Line of Duty Trust Fund and proposed amendment to the City of Alexandria Post-Employment Benefits Trust. (RES. NO. 2500) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES (continued) DEFERRAL/WITHDRAWAL CONSENT CALENDAR Planning Commission (continued) None. Council Action:_________________________________________________________