1. Calling the Roll. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Euille, and the City Clerk called the roll; all the members of Council were present. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 2. Public Discussion Period. (a) Gary Carr, 218 Aspen Street, spoke about his meeting with staff regarding the construction of an eight-lane track or the reconstruction of a track at Hammond and George Washington Middle School and noted the synopsis of the meeting was that if an eight-lane track was going to be built, the only site available is at the George Washington site. He said he was informed of construction difficulties to build it at that site, but it is an argument worth having. Mr. Carr said that in the absence of the building of the eight-lane track at George Washington, a six-lane track could be built at the Braddock Road field site and at the Hammond upper field site. The only impediment to doing that, he said, is money. He said this is a health issue and said childhood obesity has reduced life expectancy of children, and it is a safety issue in that the track coach doesn't have a place to practice. It will be two years if Council doesn't take any action on some kind of immediate basis, and Mr. Carr said that if they build it, they will run. (b) Amy Slack, 2307 E. Randolph Avenue, addressed tradition and said that tradition and said traditional is happy holidays and it used to be Merry Christmas. They have heard what is tradition - tradition is what they make it and is not something that is set in stone and is subject to change as life and circumstances change. Ms. Slack said in the new transportation master plan and the economic sustainability report, there were a couple of things they have traditionally not given a great deal of look at, and that is how do they get transportation moving around other than cars. Ms. Slack said the TMP has addressed that nicely and she was amazed at how much work has gone into it. One of the things they haven't looked at as they have tried to calm traffic and make it more pedestrian friendly is how do they still move goods and services through the community. If they make streets narrower, how do the trucks navigate those streets, and how do they help the small businesses get the goods they need in a timely fashion where they need to have them? It is important that as a City, they also look at how do they help their small businesses and medium businesses and growing technologies with getting them those goods and services in a safe fashion that is compatible with the other plan, and in an expedited fashion. (c) Maria Nieto, 422 N. Armistead Street, #202, on behalf of the Linden LaRouche group, requested Council to implement the homeowners and bank protection act of 2007 to avoid people being out on the streets. (d) Deborah T. Johnson, 907 W. Glebe Road, with local government affairs for Dominion Resources, said they became aware yesterday that Council was considering action on a power station they have proposed in Wise County, Virginia and said they were not able to have one of the experts or project managers to be at this meeting and she asked Council to delay its vote to afford Dominion the opportunity to give Council a detailed briefing on the project. With regard to timing, she said it is their understanding that there is concern about a State Corporation Commission public hearing on the project in January and she would observe that matters in this resolution primarily concern the projects air quality permit, which is within the purview of the State Air Pollution Control Board, not the State Corporation Commission. Ms. Johnson said the Department of Environmental Quality has not yet published the permit for public comment and expects to do so in the next few weeks, and once this occurs, there will be a 45-day period for public comment, so there is no urgency for Council to act today on this matter, and she requested a delay of this resolution. (e) Julie Crenshaw Van Fleet, 26 Wolfe Street, spoke about a matter that requires Police Chief Baker's attention, in that the other night, she went to the Saul Center to use Kinko's. She said she had parked in the parking garage because she understood tow trucks are towing people from the no parking circle in front. When she got near her car, she heard yelling and screaming and someone rushing around, so she got in the car and locked it and called the Police. Ms. Crenshaw Van Fleet said she said to the fellow on the phone that she was in the upper parking garage on North Washington Street at the Saul Center and there is someone running around who sounds like they are a nut and said she was by herself. She said the response she received was if she knew if the person was homeless or drunk. She said she wondered why they didn't ask her if she was okay or what is the proximity of this person and if she thought the person was dangerous. She said he was at the window of the car, so she couldn't drive off, as she could hit the person and didn't turn around and look at him, because usually people like that will make faces. She said she didn't know if he was armed and didn't care. Ms. Crenshaw Van Fleet said she couldn't tell him the number block or exact block address, but only that it was North Washington Street at the Saul Center, behind Starbucks and Kinkos, but was told by the person she was talking to that he had to have the number address or he couldn't help her. She said the Police need training for instances such as this and said she was very dissatisfied with the Police Department. She said she would park in the no parking zone from now on and she dared them to bring a wrecker to tow her car and she said she will write about this. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR (3-9) Planning Commission 3. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2007-0111 1432 DUKE STREET COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to operate a commercial school; zoned OCM(50)/Office Commercial Medium. Applicant: Alexander Atwood PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 6-0 4. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2007-0109 502 JOHN CARLYLE STREET (Parcel Address: 520 John Carlyle Street) MOE'S SOUTHWEST GRILL Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to operate a restaurant; zoned CDD-1/Coordinated Development District. Applicant: A Guy Named Moe At Carlyle, LLC by Duncan Blair, attorney PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 6-0 5. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2007-0120 2411 MT VERNON AVENUE (PARCEL ADDRESS: 2401 MT VERNON AVE.) CHEESTIQUE Public Hearing and Consideration of a request for an amendment to an existing restaurant to allow the off-premise sale of alcohol; zoned CL/Commercial Low. Applicant: Phillippa Jill Erber PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval w/amendments 6-0 6. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2007-0104 1743 KING STREET ERNIE'S CRAB HOUSE Public Hearing and Consideration of a request for an amendment to increase the hours and the seating at a restaurant; zoned OCH/Office Commercial High. Applicant: James Mao (Deferred from November docket) PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 7. TEXT AMENDMENT #2007-0007 INFILL REGULATIONS Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to amend Section 7-1002 of the Zoning Ordinance to extend interim regulations on threshold height and the subdivision criteria. Staff: Department of Planning and Zoning PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 8. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2007-0110 1023 DUKE STREET SALES AND INFORMATION TRAILERS Public Hearing and Consideration of a request for an information and sales trailer; zoned CL/Commercial Low. Applicant: Van Metre Residential Investments, LLC by M. Catharine Puskar PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval w/amendments 7-0 9. STREET NAME CASE #2007-0002 BARECROFT PLACE OAK GROVE DEVELOPMENT Public Hearing and Consideration of a request for a street name change; zoned R-20/Residential. Applicant: City of Alexandria, Department of Planning and Zoning PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval 7-0 END OF ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR City Council adopted the consent calendar, with the removal of items #3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 and considered them under separate motions, as follows: 3. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. (separate motion) 4. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. (separate motion) 5. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. (separate motion) 6. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. 7. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. (separate motion) 8. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. 9. City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. (separate motion) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER 10. Public Hearing and Consideration of Adoption in Principle of the Recommendations of the Mayor's Economic Sustainability Work Group. City Council adopted in principle the recommendations of the Economic Sustainability Work Group. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 11. Public Hearing and Consideration of the Proposed Gypsy Moth Suppression Program For Spring 2008. (#15, 11/27/07) City Council approved the Gypsy Moth Suppression Program for Spring 2008, as follows: 1. aerial application of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) over one spray block totaling 100-acres that includes 427 properties located in the Beverley Hills community bounded by South Overlook Drive and Pulman Place on the north, Old Dominion Boulevard and Washington Circle on the east, Allison Street on the south and Wellington Road on the west in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS); 2. declaration that the aerial and ground spray programs are to be voluntary, that a 200-foot buffer zone will be maintained around the property of any resident or property owner objecting to the aerial application over their residence or property; 3. notification of all residents and property owners within the proposed spray block and wind-drift buffer area; 4. voluntary ground spray of B.t. for susceptible tree species located on properties within the 200-foot buffer zone created by an objecting property owner; 5. authorization for the City Manager to submit the State and federal funding applications and to enter into the required agreements for the Gypsy Moth Suppression program and file the required congested area flight plan; and 6. implementation of other gypsy moth suppression measures to include the distribution of burlap for banding trees and educational materials in cooperation with VDACS. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 12. Consideration of Proposed Authorization to Acquire Properties at 4530 and 4600 King Street and 3451 North Beauregard Street. City Council: 1. authorized the City Manager to execute an acquisition agreement for 4530 and 4600 King Street and 3451 N. Beauregard Street as outlined in the Principal Terms of Agreement; 2. authorize funding on a temporary basis the acquisition of these six parcels ($5.0 million) and the demolition of the existing medical office building ($0.8 million) from previously appropriated pay-as-you-go cash capital funds; 3. authorize funding on a permanent basis the $5.8 million from the proceeds of a future general obligation bond or general obligation note sale; and 4. adopted the resolution declaring the City's intent to reimburse itself the $5.8 million temporary cash funding source from the proceeds of a future general obligation bond or note sale. (RES. NO. 2263) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 13. CITY CHARTER, SECTION 9.06 CASE #2007-0005 4530, 4600 & 4600 B&D KING STREET AND 3451 BEAUREGARD STREET Consideration of a proposal by the City of Alexandria to acquire the properties at 4530 & 4600 King St. and 3451 Beauregard St. pursuant to the provisions of Section 9.06 of the City Charter. Staff: Office of the City Manager PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Approved 7-0 (THIS ITEM IS NOT SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING BUT IS FOR CITY COUNCIL'S INFORMATION ONLY - NO APPROVAL IS NECESSARY.) City Council received the report. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES (continued) Planning Commission (continued) 14. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2007-0108 598 SOUTH ALFRED STREET (Building Address: 525 S Columbus Street) CHILD CARE HOME Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to operate a home child day care; zoned RB/Residential. Applicant: Avis Walker PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval w/amendments 6-0 City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 15. DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2006-0019 2312 MOUNT VERNON AVENUE 2312 MOUNT VERNON AVENUE MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT Public Hearing and Consideration of a request for a form based development special use permit, with site plan and modifications, to construct a retail/office mixed use building; zoned CL/Commercial Low. Applicant: Shops at Del Ray, LLC by Duncan Blair, attorney (Deferred from November docket) PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval w/ amendments 7-0 City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation, with the following amendments: to condition 15o: The applicant and tenants agree to participate in a shared parking and coordinated loading programs at such time as they are implemented; 15p: The applicant and tenants shall coordinate with its vendors to ensure that its vendors deliver within the permitted loading times; and 15q: The applicant shall provide an on-site loading area of a sufficient size for smaller delivery vehicles to the satisfaction of the Directors of Planning and Zoning and Transportation and Environmental Services. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 16. CDD DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT PLAN #2007-0001 POTOMAC YARD/POTOMAC GREENS CDD - AMENDMENT (The area bordered by the Arlington County line on the north, Jefferson Davis Highway to the east, George Washington Parkway on the west and Braddock Road on the south.) Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to amend conditions of the CDD concept development plan approval for Potomac Yard/Potomac Greens; zoned CDD-10/Coordinated Development District. Applicant: Potomac Yard Development, LLC by M. Catharine Puskar, attorney PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Recommend Approval w/amendments 7-0 City Council approved the Planning Commission recommendation. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 17. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of An Ordinance to Revise Taxicab Fares. (#15, 12/11/07) [ROLL-CALL VOTE] City Council passed the ordinance to revise Taxicab Fares. (ORD. NO. 4509) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ Board of Architectural Review 18. CASE BAR 2007-0097. Appeal. Public Hearing and Consideration of an Appeal of the Board's decision denying a request for approval of demolition/encapsulation at 323 N. St. Asaph Street, zoned RM Residential. Applicant and Appellant: Laurie Lowe and Carl Gudenius by Robert Bentley Adams & Associates. City Council upheld the decision of the Board of Architectural Review and allowed no demolition. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ Planning Commission 19. Subdivision #2007-0006. Appeal. Public Hearing and Consideration of an Appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to deny a request to resubdivide the subject properties at 407 Duke Street and 219 South Royal Street, zoned RM/Residential. Applicant: William F. Dunbar, IV and Denise G. Dunbar and 219 S. Royal, LLC by Duncan Blair, attorney. City Council deferred action on the appeal to the next legislative meeting and asked that staff prepare further commentary on the questions that have been brought up today and also any other information that seems pertinent from both sides of the case that Council can review. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ Transportation and Environmental Services 20. Appeal. Public Hearing and Consideration of an appeal of a denial of the decision of the Department of Transportation and Environmental Services for a request to widen an existing curb cut at 321 E. Custis Avenue. City Council upheld the decision of the directors of Transportation and Environmental Services and Planning and Zoning. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (continued) 21. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of An Ordinance to Require the Submission and Approval of Drainage Plans and Related Information in Connection With Certain Types of Infill Development. (#14, 12/11/07) [ROLL-CALL VOTE] City Council deferred action on the ordinance and sent it to the Infill Task Force for its consideration at the next meeting to bring a recommendation back to City Council in February. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 22. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of An Ordinance to Prohibit Through Trucks on a Portion of West Taylor Run Parkway. (#16, 12/11/07)[ROLL-CALL VOTE] City Council passed the ordinance to prohibit through trucks on a portion of West Taylor Run Parkway. (ORD. NO. 4510) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 23. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage An Ordinance to Extend the King Street Outdoor Dining Regulations Until March 31, 2008. (#17, 12/11/07)[ROLL-CALL VOTE] City Council passed the ordinance to extend the King Street Outdoor Dining Regulations until March 31, 2008. (ORD. NO. 4511) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 24. Public Hearing, Second Reading and Final Passage of An Ordinance to Designate Certain Commercial and Industrial Property as a Separate Classification For Real Estate Tax Purposes. (#19, 12/11/07) [ROLL-CALL VOTE] City Council passed the ordinance to designate certain commercial and industrial property as a separate classification for real estate tax purposes. (ORD. NO. 4512) Council Action:_________________________________________________________ 24.1 Consideration of a Resolution in Support of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network on the Coal Fired Power Plant in Wise County. [ROLL-CALL VOTE] City Council deferred action on this item and will work with the City Attorney to come up with language showing Council's support for this. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES (continued) DEFERRAL/WITHDRAWAL CONSENT CALENDAR (25-27) Planning Commission (continued) 25. SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2007-0029 625 BURNSIDE PLACE (Parcel Address: 619 Burnside Place) POTOMAC RECYCLING Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to amend a special use permit to increase the allowed daily tonnage at a waste recycling facility; zoned I/Industrial. Applicant: Sandra Crippen (Deferred from June,October and November dockets) PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Deferred 7-0 26. TEXT AMENDMENT #2007-0006 KING STREET OUTDOOR DINING Public Hearing and Consideration of a request to amend Section 6-800 of the Zoning Ordinance, the King Street Outdoor Dining Overlay Zone. Staff: Department of Planning and Zoning PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Deferred Without Objection 27. DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2007-0005(A) SPECIAL USE PERMIT #2007-0051(B) 800 NORTH HENRY STREET THE MADISON Public Hearing and Consideration of a request for a development special use permit, with site plan and modifications to construct a mixed use residential/retail building, a request for a parking reduction and a special use permit request for a approval of a transportation management plan (TMP); zoned CRMU-H/Commercial Residential Mixed Use High. Applicant: TC MidAtlantic Development III, Inc. by Duncan Blair, attorney PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Deferred 6-1 City Council noted the deferrals. Council Action:_________________________________________________________ END OF DEFERRAL/WITHDRAWAL CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * The meeting adjourned at 5:41 p.m. Note: The action docket is a summary of Council's meeting deliberations prepared largely for staff follow-up. Formal minutes of the meeting, when approved by Council become the official record of the meeting and of Council decisions made at the meeting.