Regular Public Hearing

Wednesday- September 15, 2010
7:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall
301 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

The Board of Architectural Review docket
is subject to change up to the time of the meeting.
Planning and Zoning staff
can provide information on changes.

Staff reports on each item are available
in the Department of Planning and Zoning.

The Board of Architectural Review reserves the right to
vary the order of the meeting, if so announced.

Department of Planning and Zoning
301 King Street, City Hall, Room 2100
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
phone: (703) 746-4666

* * * * *

Consideration of the minutes of the public hearing of September 1, 2010.
BOARD ACTION: Approved, as submitted 7-0

1. CASE BAR2010-0217
Request for HVAC screening at 600 S. Washington St, zoned CL Commercial. (CM)
APPLICANT: Soonja Purdy
BOARD ACTION: This item was deferred for lack of neighbor notification. The Board noted the deferral.

2. CASE BAR2010-0235
Request for demolition/encapsulation at 620 S. Saint Asaph St, zoned RM Residential. (CM)
APPLICANT: Neil & Ruth McCray by Scott McBroom for Adams Architects
BOARD ACTION: Approved 5-2 by roll call vote

3. CASE BAR2010-0236
Request for the construction of an addition and alterations at 620 S. Saint Asaph St, zoned RM Residential. (CM)
APPLICANT: Neil & Ruth McCray by Scott McBroom for Adams Architects
BOARD ACTION: Approved 5-2 by roll call vote

4. CASE BAR2010-0237
Request for window replacement at 1208 Prince St, zoned CL Commercial. (MO)
APPLICANT: Cory Donovan by Old Town Windows and Doors
BOARD ACTION: Approved 7-0 as amended

5. CASE BAR2010-0243
Request for window replacement at 413 Franklin St, zoned RM Residential. (SS)
APPLICANT: Joan Manley by Old Town Windows and Doors
BOARD ACTION: Approved 7-0 as amended

6. CASE BAR2010-0245
Request for window replacement at 718 Gibbon St, zoned RB Residential. (SS)
APPLICANT: Rick Faulkner by Old Town Windows and Doors
BOARD ACTION: Approved 7-0 as submitted

7. CASE BAR2010-0246
Request for re-approval of a rear addition at 615 S. Fairfax St, zoned RM Residential. (AC)
APPLICANT: Kathryn McGrath by Ray Lewis and Associates
BOARD ACTION: Approved 7-0 as amended
1. Staff suggested draft language for a replacement windows policy with the Board. The Board endorsed the proposed language but asked that owners of Early buildings be allowed to "replicate" rather than restore historic windows where the originals were demonstrated to be beyond repair. Staff also confirmed that, as previously discussed with replacement roof materials, there would be a provision in the administrative approval policy where, when staff believes the material proposed by the applicant is not compatible or historically appropriate, review by the Board is required.
2. Dr. Fitzgerald noted the 52nd annual Alexandria Forum would be held September 24 - 25 at the Lyceum with The Reverend Professor Peter J. Gomes of Harvard University as its featured speaker during two days of lectures and workshops exploring the theme of “Coveting, Curating and Collections: The Art of the Public and Personal Museum.”. Chairman Hulfish urged all to attend this event.



CASE BAR2010-0238
Request for window replacement at 426 N St Asaph St, zoned RM Residential. (MO)
APPLICANT: Gail Hoffman by Old Town Windows and Doors

Deferred due to improper notice.

CASE BAR2010-0239
Request for window replacement at 426 1/2 N St Asaph St, zoned RM Residential. (MO)
APPLICANT: Alan Windsor by Old Town Windows and Doors
Request for window replacement at 682 S Columbus St, zoned CD Commercial. (CM)
APPLICANT: Marcia Krause by Old Town Windows and Doors


CASE BAR2010-0250
Request for approval of window replacement at 526 South Pitt Street, zoned RM residential.
Request for approval of roof replacement at 821 South Columbus Street, zoned RM residential.
APPLICANT: Alexandria Roofing Company for Tom Dougherty
Request for approval to repair and rebuild existing brick wall at 105 Cameron Mews, zoned RM residential.
APPLICANT: Crawn Masonry for David Pankey
Request for approval to repair and rebuild existing brick wall at 107 Cameron Mews, zoned RM residential.
APPLICANT: Crawn Masonry for Mark O'Brien
Request for approval to construct brick wall at 709 South Fairfax Street, zoned RM residential.
APPLICANT: William Cople
Request for approval to construct brick wall at 711 South Fairfax Street, zoned RM residential.
APPLICANT: James and Christina Wallace
Request for approval for signage at 222 North Lee Street, zoned CD commercial.
APPLICANT: The Glass Stache
Request for approval for signage at 202 South West Street, zoned CL commercial.
APPLICANT: Changlin Kim
Request for approval of roof replacement at 430 North Union Street, zoned RM residential.
APPLICANT: Alexandria Roofing Company for William Montgomery