Regular Public Hearing

Wednesday- January 5, 2011
7:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall
301 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

The Board of Architectural Review docket
is subject to change up to the time of the meeting.
Planning and Zoning staff
can provide information on changes.

Staff reports on each item are available
in the Department of Planning and Zoning.

The Board of Architectural Review reserves the right to
vary the order of the meeting, if so announced.

Department of Planning and Zoning
301 King Street, City Hall, Room 2100
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
phone: (703) 746-4666

* * * * *

Consideration of the minutes of the public hearing of December 15, 2010.
Approved as submitted, 7-0

II. CONSENT CALENDAR Request for replacement gate at 336 N. Pitt St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Jane Harter
BOARD ACTION: Approved on the Consent Calendar, 7-0 III. DISCUSSION ITEMS
Request for demolition of storefront at 719 King St, zoned KR
King Street Retail.
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, by a roll call vote, 4-3

3. CASE BAR2010-0329
Request for new storefront and awning and rear door alterations at
719 King St, zoned KR King Street Retail.
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, by a roll call vote, 4-3

4. CASE BAR2010-0354
Request for demolition/encapsulation at 915 Cameron St, zoned
RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Craig Miller and Lisa Brock
BOARD ACTION: Approved as submitted, by a roll call vote, 7-0

5. CASE BAR2010-0355
Request for new windows at 915 Cameron St, zoned
RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Craig Miller and Lisa Brock
BOARD ACTION: Approved as submitted, by a roll call vote, 7-0

6. CASE BAR2010-0358
Request for demolition/encapsulation at 410 S. Lee St, zoned
RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Robert Lewandowsky
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, by a roll call vote, 6-1

7. CASE BAR2010-0359
Request for additions/alterations at 410 S. Lee St, zoned
RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Robert Lewandowsky
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, by a roll call vote, 6-1

8. CASE BAR2010-0361
Request for demolition/encapsulation at 313 S. Columbus St,
zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Norman and Judith Ann Lisy
BOARD ACTION: Portion approved by a roll call vote, 7-0, and portion deferred for further study, 5-2

9. CASE BAR2010-0362
Request for alterations at 313 S. Columbus St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Norman and Judith Ann Lisy
BOARD ACTION: Portion approved by a roll call vote, 7-0, and portion deferred for further study, 5-2

10. CASE BAR2010-0364
Request for Permit to Demolish/Encapsulation for alterations and
new addition at 408 S. Royal St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Robert & Meredith MacNab by John Savage Architect, P.C.
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, by a roll call vote, 7-0

11. CASE BAR2010-0365
Request for alterations and new addition at 408 S. Royal St, zoned
RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Robert & Meredith MacNab by John Savage Architect, P.C.
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, by a roll call vote, 7-0

12. CASE BAR2010-0366
Request for Permit to Demolish/Encapsulation for porch enclosure at
325 S. Lee St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Mitchell Bober by Lewis & Associates LTD
BOARD ACTION: Deferred for further study, 5-2

13. CASE BAR2010-0367
Request for porch enclosure at 325 S. Lee St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Mitchell Bober by Lewis & Associates LTD
BOARD ACTION: Deferred for further study, 5-2

14. CASE BAR2010-0373
Request for roof replacement at 917 Prince St, zoned CL Commercial.
APPLICANT: Mark Stevenson and John Schmidt
BOARD ACTION: Deferred for further study, 7-0


15. CASE BAR2010-0011
Request for Permit to Demolish for construction of new dormers and
renovations at 626 S. Lee St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: S. Lee & Debra Parker by Lewis & Associates LTD

16. CASE BAR2009-0301
Request for alterations at 626 S. Lee St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: S. Lee & Debra Parker by Lewis & Associates LTD


CASE BAR2010-0357
Request for signage at 309 S. Washington St, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: Holistic Touch

CASE BAR2010-0363
Request for window replacement and alterations at 406 S. Royal St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Paul & Linda Darlington by John Savage Architect, P.C.

CASE BAR2010-0368
Request for roof replacement at 104 Pommander Walk St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Daniel Morrison by Paul Davis Restoration

CASE BAR2010-0374
Request for siding replacement at 703 S. Lee St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Kevin Kuntz

CASE BAR2010-0375
Request for replacement of front door at 102 N. Fayette St, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: Fibre Space

CASE BAR2010-0376
Request for signage at 110 S. Columbus St, zoned CL Commercial.
APPLICANT: Old Town Sign Company