Regular Public Hearing

Wednesday- May 6, 2009
7:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall
301 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

The Board of Architectural Review docket
is subject to change up to the time of the meeting.
Planning and Zoning staff
can provide information on changes.

Staff reports on each item are available
in the Department of Planning and Zoning.

The Board of Architectural Review reserves the right to
vary the order of the meeting, if so announced.

Department of Planning and Zoning
301 King Street, City Hall, Room 2100
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
phone: (703) 746-4666

* * * * *

1. Consideration of the minutes of the public hearing of April 15, 2009.
BOARD ACTION: Approved as submitted, 7-0.

2. Consideration of a Consent Calendar of items to be approved without discussion. A list of these items will be read at the beginning of the meeting.
BOARD ACTION: Docktet item # 4 approved on the Consent Calendar. Docket item #5 was moved to the Discussion Calendar.

3. CASE BAR2009-0049
Request for approval of signage at 428 S. Washington St, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: Jerald J. Littlefield
BOARD ACTION: This item was deferred due to lack of proper notice.

4. CASE BAR2009-0070
Request for approval of alterations at 501 Wolfe Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Robert Bentley Adams for Ryan Fletemeyer & Erin McGrain
BOARD ACTION: Approved on the Consent Calendar, 7-0.

5. Moved to the Discussion Calendar


5. CASE BAR2009-0074
Request for approval of alterations at 325 S. Lee Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Mitchell Bober
BOARD ACTION: Deferred for further study, 7-0.

6. CASE BAR2008-0193
Request for approval of new construction at 714 Wythe St, zoned OC Commercial.
APPLICANT: Sophie Development, LLC
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, 7-0.

7. CASE BAR2009-0043
Request for approval of after-the-fact alterations at 113 King St, zoned KR King Street/Retail.
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, 7-0.

8.CASE BAR2009-0054
Request for approval of demolition/encapsulation at 911 S. St. Asaph St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Edward & Joan Niles
BOARD ACTION: Approved by a roll call vote as amended, 6-1.

9. CASE BAR2009-0055
Request for approval of addition/alterations at 911 S. St. Asaph St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Edward & Joan Niles
BOARD ACTION: Approved by a roll call vote as amended, 6-1.

10. CASE BAR2009-0065
Request for approval of alterations at 811 Prince St, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Jane Slatter
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, 6-1.

11. CASE BAR2009-0068
Request for approval of alterations at 217 Green Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Susan G. Markarian
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, 5-2.

12. CASE BAR2009-0072
Request for approval of alterations at 109 Franklin Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Paul & Deborah Kaplan
BOARD ACTION: Approved as submitted, 7-0.

13. CASE BAR2009-0073
Request for approval of alterations at 204 N. Pitt Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: William Cromley
BOARD ACTION: Approved as submitted, 7-0.

14. CASE BAR2008-0235
Request for approval of alterations & signage at 134 N. Royal St, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: City of Alexandria
BOARD ACTION: Deferred for further study, 6-1.


15. CASE BAR2009-0066
Request for approval of signage at 1 Wales Alley, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: Bike & Roll Bike the Sites
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

Deferred pending resolution of outstanding issues.

16. CASE BAR2009-0067
Request for approval of signage at 1315 King Street, zoned KR King Street Retail.
APPLICANT: Snap Fitness 24-7
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

Deferred due to lack of public notice.